Sunday, March 4, 2012


It was warm enough this afternoon that we went and relaxed by the pool and read for a while. It was bright and sunny, but we stayed in the shade.

Our neighbor has an Open Range fifth wheel with a unique feature: sliding glass doors in the lounge area lead to a nice sized deck.

He invited us in for a tour today. It's definitely a luxury unit, with a double door residential fridge with ice and water in the door. The guy is a musician, and he has a piano in the living area, which he plays beautifully. He's leaving tomorrow, heading for Key West, where he's going to sing in a production of Forever Plaid. A fascinating person: his hometown is San Diego, he's a Vietnam war vet, and a pilot for Continental (retired).

We cleaned our sediment filter and checked to see how the cartridges will fit on the new hanger we just got from the RV Water Filter Store.

Ken tried again to get the black water valve to work by filling and emptying the tank a couple of times while pulling the cable handle in and out. To no avail. It looks to me like we'll have to take it in to Mid Valley for repairs.