Monday, March 12, 2012

Repairs and Dancing

This morning, we took Venture back to Mid Valley RV, where we had had it last December. On the way we ran into a major accident with downed power lines. The road was closed indefinitely, so we U-turned (fortunately the road was wide) and called to tell Mid-Valle we'd be late. When we arrived, they pulled Venture into a bay and started to work on it right away.

At first they didn't think we actually had much of a problem. The tech ran some water into the tank, but actually not enough to have much effect. When I poured a couple of bucketfuls of water in, the problem was much more apparent. The tech dismantled the valve and located the source of the problem. A piece of heavy rag-like material was jammed in the valve so solidly that he had difficulty removing it. It's hard to be sure, but I think it was probably something like a wet wipe. Of course, nothing like that should ever be put down an RV toilet, and it's a mystery how it got there.

A new valve was installed, and we were good to go. Phil actually wasn't going to charge us, but we said we needed to pay him something, and he decided to charge us only for 1/2 hour of labor, $50, and no charge for the parts. Now that's a really nice service manager! We drove out of Mid Valley and made it home in time to set back up and eat lunch before heading out to Darryl's 2:00 p.m. dance.

After the dance, we picked up my bike from Bike Masters. We'd been quoted $15, but the bill was $33 and some. I made a comment about the discrepancy. Further investigation led to their deleting some of the charges for parts because the repair guys said they hadn't replaced those parts and a reduction in the labor charge. Much better.

We went on to HEB and Target and Walmart, ending up at home after 7:00 p.m. dead tired, hungry, and with dirty dishes overflowing. We waded through that, had dinner, and then tackled changing some of our passwords, just in case the cell phone thief had decided to hack the phone.

So, no walking today. And when we started to take the trash out, we found a swarm of ants, yuck--so we deployed the Terro bait that Bruce gave us. We'll see what effect it has.

I hope tomorrow will be a better day.