Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mike and Darlene, Amanda and Nick

The highlight of our day today was a get together with Mike and Darlene, their daughter Amanda, and her husband Nick. Mike and Darlene came by after work, around 6:00 p.m. We showed them around our little home and then sat outside with the cool breezes (they assured us this weather was quite unusual). We walked to the Chesapeake Bay Center and out on the boardwalk to look at the bay. Here's one of the tankers lying at anchor, waiting its turn at the coal dock.

Amanda and her husband Nick joined us after they had fixed the fence that broke when a tree fell on it. Their dogs had taken advantage of the hole to wander a bit. Once they had the dogs and fence in hand, they joined the group. Mike took us out to dinner at Rockafeller's Restaurant. We were glad to get some fresh local seafood. Mike suggested the she crab soup for an appetizer. We've never had it before, but it was an instant hit--really yummy.

We had a wonderful time, catching up on events in the Martin family. Mike recently had a business trip to Cleveland, and Darlene went along. They got together with Aunt Helene and Peggy and Brian and Karen and Kathy and family.

We hadn't met Amanda's husband, Nick, before. We found out that he is an amateur beekeeper. He and Amanda will give a presentation for Darlene's class soon, including a visible hive (always fascinating) and honey straws.

Tomorrow Mike and Darlene will attend Laurel's first field hockey game of the season.

Earlier in the day we took a hike along the Bald Cypress Trail, the High Dune Trail, and parts of the Live Oak and Cape Henry trails in the park. Much of the Bald Cypress trail is through cypress lagoons, partly on boardwalks over the water. The trees are festooned with Spanish moss.

At one overlook we watched a very large dragonfly zooming around and sometimes hovering like a helicopter. We were hoping it would come close enough and hold still enough that we could get a photo, but it eluded us. We did see several turtles sunning themselves on logs in the water.

Mike mentioned that he is a geocacher, something I didn't know about him. We also talked some about cruising. Mike and Darlene took a Caribbean cruise recently, and Nick and Amanda have plans for one.