Thursday, September 1, 2011

More Hiking Adventures

Today we drove to the 64th Street entrance to the park so that we could pick up the Long Creek and Osprey trails. The ecology at this northern end of the park, near the Broad Bay, is quite different from the cypress lagoons we hiked among yesterday.

We consulted our Droids and found that high tide was around 11:00 p.m., so we felt safe about setting off on the Osprey Trail.

The trail runs through mixed trees for a while, and then it skirts Broad Bay.

At several points we found sandy beaches that looked inviting.

It was clear that Osprey Trail has not been maintained recently. We had to scramble over debris at several places, and we saw an assortment of trash along the trail. We did spot one osprey winging over the salt marshes along the inland side of the trail, but didn't see any osprey nests.

When we joined the Long Creek Trail again, we continued along it for a while, hoping for a view of White Lake. The lake was visible through the trees, but we didn't get a clear view, so we turned around and hiked back out along Long Creek Trail. Our total hike was about five miles.

Tonight we walked out to the beach for a stroll and to look for the International Space Station. It was scheduled to appear at 8:21 p.m. and be visible for four minutes. Unfortunately it was rather cloudy and not fully dark, but we did manage to spot it part way through its transit and follow it to its disappearance in the east.

I suddenly realized that the family reunion is only two days away. Tomorrow we'll travel to New Bern, so I won't have much time to prepare for the reunion the next day. Poor planning on my part, but we're looking forward to seeing everyone. Johnny called today and assured us that the RV park has power and all utilities working and no problem with access.

Ken finished work on the newsletter he edits, but he's waiting for one final bit of info before publishing it tomorrow. Then that job is done for another quarter.