Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hiking and Visiting

This morning we put on our hiking shoes and set out to hike the muddy Erie Trail around Stump Lake. It's listed as a 2.2 mile moderate hike.We started at ER9 and circled Stump Lake, ending at ER1, so we didn't do all of it. The part we did was enjoyable, especially the views of the lake.

Blackberries! Yum.
Another in our occasional series of trail photos. Yes, this is part of the Erie Trail.

Stump Lake

How lovely!

Along the way I spotted a Tulip Tree, one of the trees I was proud to have learned to identify as a young Girl Scout in Ohio.

Here's another tree I learned to identify from its mitten shaped leaves. It's a Sassafras Tree by our campsite.

Visiting in Strongsville

Kathy and family were at the Mosier family reunion this weekend. They drove home today. Jeff couldn't resist a stop in Columbus to get some Bahama Mamas--authentic spicy German sausages made at Schmidt's Restaurant and Sausage Haus.

He dropped the sausage off at Kathy's (he had other plans for the evening). Bill was dragooned into grilling the sausages, despite his protests that he was not an experienced griller. He did a great job!

That's an instant read thermometer probe verifying that the sausages are ready to eat.

Just as we were getting ready to sit down, Stephanie and Aria arrived. I got to hold the cutie!

Lee, Bill, Aria, Stephanie, Michelle, and Kathy

Gryphon and Sophie enjoy their pb&j and applesauce.

Aria demonstrating her cuteness!

Happy Birthday, Annie!!!

Annie turned 13 today--an official teenager. When I called to wish her a happy birthday, she and her dad were at the Buckman neighborhood potluck.