Monday, August 1, 2011

Sky Island

We recorded a PBS nature program called Sky Island. Frequently we watch NOVA and Nature and such programs while we're fixing dinner or washing up, and that's what we started to do with this program.

In the first few moments, we stopped and backed up, really struck by what we were seeing and hearing. We ended up deciding to wait until we could sit down together to give the program our full attention.

Coincidentally we had been talking earlier today about the time we spent in New Mexico camped by Abiquiu Reservoir. The beauty and scope of the landscape and the peace we felt there really touched us. Sky Island turned out to be about the nearby Jemez Mountains. The lovely photography and the narration by Meryl Streep and the poetic reflections of Kiowa writer N. Scott Momaday carried us back to our time in New Mexico.

The program considers the effects of climate change on the ecosystem of the Jemez Mountains and the Pajarito Plateau, but it also talks about the importance of this land to the humans who have lived here over the centuries.

As we watched the program, we found ourselves saying, "We were there. We climbed that ladder to a pueblo, we gazed at the Cerro Pedernal." Now we're thinking that we may make time to visit again on our way back south next year, after visiting the Pacific Northwest.

I got to use my new yoga mat at the exercise class this morning. It was a big help in making my spine a bit more comfortable, but it didn't work miracles. I still can't manage to lie on my back and lift both my upper body and my pelvis from the floor without cheating and using my hands!

We installed our new cabinet catch on the medicine cabinet today. The new catch didn't match the size of the old one, so we ended up having to make new screw holes. We hope that this kind of latch will be less susceptible to metal fatigue and maybe hold the door more securely when we move.

We sometimes find our toothbrushes and such scattered around when we arrive at a new place. Maybe now that won't happen again.