Friday, April 2, 2010

We Are Counted!

We went over to Ed and Julie's house this afternoon. On the way we stopped at the Census Office to pick up our Be Counted forms. We had to figure out what to put down as our location and finally ended up with the option to identify the place we spent the night of April 1 (Census Day). Ken filled it our when we got to the house and put it in the mailbox for pickup. Maybe by the next time the census rolls around, there will be some provision for fulltime RVers.

I took my new Wii to the house, because I knew the kids had fun playing with Julie's dad's Wii during my last visit. The kids were anxious to play after I got it hooked up to the TV in the family room. They like golf and baseball. Both of those games can be played with one shared Wii control, which is good, since my Wii console came with only one. The kicker is that the wrist strap has to be moved from kid to kid between each turn. That can get old really quick 8-), but it worked, and the kids had fun.

Sam has more enthusiasm than muscle control, but it doesn't bother him to go to the limit on a golf hole--as long as he gets to hit the ball, he's happy. Cate has both better control and more grasp of the game rules and goal. She was regularly getting bogeys at the beginner level.

We took advantage of the washer and dryer that don't require quarters to do our laundry. It's much easier than going to a laundromat, except that you have to remember to go move the clothes at the end of each cycle. That's not always easy to do when you're having fun with the grandkids.

Ed came back from Longview in the afternoon. He went over yesterday to be with his dad during his triple bypass surgery. They got up early in the morning to prepare to be at the hospital by 5:30 a.m., and since Ed was the only one up, he got to spend some quality time with John. When Ed asked his dad whether there might be any significance to its being Good Friday, John quipped, "I might be worried if the surgery was scheduled for 3:00 p.m.!" The surgery went well, to everyone's relief.

Terri and Kelley and Molly came from Longview later in the evening. Julie fixed a meatloaf recipe her sister Cristal had given her, which everyone liked. It had stuffing mix in it, which added extra flavor and crunch.