Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sitting Bull Falls

Our adventure today was a trip to Sitting Bull Falls, about 32 miles west of Brantley Lake across a stretch of the Chihuahuan Desert. The flat desert vegetation was relieved only by oil pumpers and tanks until we arrived at the Lincoln National Forest. Then we began to wind our way up into an impressive canyon.

We knew from reading reviews and blogs that the falls are a rather narrow 150 foot cascade and that the volume depends on rainfall. We brought along our lunch and picnicked in one of the rock cabanas while looking out at the canyon walls. Then we talked to a ranger about the hiking possibilities. He gave us a trail map and directions to the trailhead of trail 68A, which goes to the top of the falls.

The trail has some steps and switchbacks to make the climb easier, but is still steep and rocky. At one point Ken mused, "I wonder how many mountainsides I've been on since I met you?"

When we got to the top we really couldn't see much of the falls, but we did appreciate the canyon vistas. We stopped often to enjoy the scenery and for Ken to take photos.

Picnic cabana

Lovely yucca blooming

Our view from above

Ken ready to take lots of photos

Pool at the base of the falls. The porous rock to the right is a very large tufa deposit.

Photo from someone else's blog of the falls

Home at the end of the day

We managed to play some Boggle after preparing everything for an early start to the caverns in the morning.