Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fools!

As usual, I checked Facebook while fixing breakfast. Imagine my surprise to see that Julie had posted, "I'm pregnant!" After getting over the immediate shocked disbelief, I started to read the comments...and realized what day this is. Not a vasectomy failure after all!

We left Berry Springs this morning and had an uneventful trip to Lewisville (no blowouts or other excitement). We did have a moment of sadness passing by Killeen and Fort Hood.

We arrived at Lake Park around 3 p.m. We needed to dump on the way in, but found the area flooded. Some helpful park workers managed to clear the drain, so we're getting a clean start to our visit. After we got set up in space 4, with a great view of the lake, we put our chairs out and sat down to relax a bit before eating dinner. Then we drove over to Flower Mound, where we were enthusiastically greeted by Cate and Sam. Jesse has nearly doubled his birth weight and is much more alert and social at 2 months than the last time I saw him when he was less than 2 weeks old. We had a good visit with Julie and the kids, including a tea party puppet show.

Ed is in Longview with his dad, who will be having heart surgery in the morning. He called to say goodnight to the kids. When Sam said goodbye, he hugged and kissed the phone. Kids are so precious.

As we headed north today, diesel prices rose. I guess we've seen the last of $2.69 diesel for a while. The cheapest here is $2.85.