Saturday, April 17, 2010

Dorey Reunion

This morning we drove to Tyler to help celebrate Carol's 70th birthday, along with some other family April birthdays. Fred and Gail had flown in from LA, and Gail Dorey had come from Watertown. Carol's other sister, Linda, and her family (Kyle, Julie, and friend Lauren--Ken had to work) came from Dallas, along with Andy and his two sons, Luke and Ben. Robert and Debbie and their three children live in Tyler, so they had the shortest trip.

Everyone made their own pizzas for lunch with pizza shells and toppings. Then most of the group went to Kilgore to visit the Kilgore Oil Museum. Ken and I stayed in Tyler and went to tour the Azalea Trail with Dick and Linda. The Azalea Festival officially ended last weekend, but the azalea season was late this year because of the cold weather. The azaleas were in full bloom this weekend and made quite a spectacle.

Lee, Dick, and Linda enjoying the azaleas

Carol and Dick treated everyone to dinner at Joe's Italian Restaurant, just around the corner from their house. Fortunately we had a room to ourselves, since the Dorey idea of a good time is uproarious fun! Afterward we went back to the house for cake and ice cream and presents. A great time was had by all!

Robbie at Joe's

Luke, Ben, and Robbie all want to help blow out the candle!

Gail Dorey gave Carol a Rummikub game! Christine is opening her own gifts, but is interested in the game.

We drove home, expecting to arrive around 10 p.m., but Dallas traffic had other ideas. We were stopped for nearly an hour by a slowdown on I-635 (we never did see what caused the problem). At 10:55 we were nearing the campground when we realized that the gates would be locked at 11. We made a quick dash and got in under the wire.

It was great to see everyone. We had met Gail D. in Boston last fall, but we hadn't seen the others for some years.