Thursday, April 8, 2010


Julie and Jesse and I went shopping this morning. Cate and Sam were at school, and Ken was holding down the home front (with computer and book and Droid to keep him occupied). Jesse slept peacefully the whole time in his car seat, which lifts out and fits in the stroller frame. It also fits the baby swing, so he can be moved from one to the other without disturbing his sleep--very clever design.

We went to Big Lots, Kohl's and Costco, and both of us returned with less money and more stuff than when we started out, so I guess the trip was successful. We picked up Andrew and Sam at school on our way home. Julie got Sam down for his nap, and Ken and I decided to take a walk. We agreed to be back by 3:15 so that Julie could walk over to get Cate from school without getting the boys up.

Unfortunately our sense of direction wasn't up to the task of getting back directly, even with the use of my Droid My Tracks program, so we had to call Julie and confess that we had gotten lost and would be late returning. She swung into action and got Sam up and the baby in his stroller and headed out to pick Cate up just before we rounded the corner, huffing and puffing.

After dinner Cate and Sam played Wii balance games. Sam is actually pretty good at soccer ball heading, but he hits the shoes (-1) and the pandas (-3) equally well. Cate is getting really good at her favorite game, feeding the penguin.

We sat down and watched an episode of the Mentalist with Ed and Julie before heading home. Good thing the gate doesn't lock at 10 p.m.