Sunday, April 18, 2010

Rainy Day

As promised, today was rainy, overcast, and cooler. We were lucky to get our walk in before the rain started. It rained heavily last night, and we were pleased to confirm that our bedroom slide no longer leaks. Yay!

We went over to Ed and Julie's. Kelley came too and we just hung out together. Ed and Ken and Cate and I played Sorry Sliders, the new game Uncle Chris and Annie sent for her birthday. Sam tried to play too, but it's a little beyond him. Actually it may be a little beyond me too--my sliders always seemed to slide the wrong way. Cate and I did tie one round.

We watched a little TV, including Hoarders, Buried Alive, a reality TV series about people with serious hoarding problems and their therapy. That led to a discussion of some tendencies that some of us have to be hoarders "lite" ourselves (that would be Ed and me). Sometimes it's hard to let go of "stuff" even if it's clogging up your space and your life. That's one advantage of the RV lifestyle for me--it nips those tendencies in the bud when I have to consider our space and weight limits.

Jesse is really growing, looking around and making his opinions known. He was a bit fussy and wakeful tonight, and we took turns entertaining him. When we left, he was nestled by Ed on the couch watching TV, which Ed says he does every morning.

We had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner, with broccoli, salad, and sourdough bread. Everyone likes pasta, but Sam just wasn't very hungry. We had ice cream for dessert.