Friday, April 9, 2010

Tyler Visit

I got a rather slow start this morning. (I managed to spill some uncooked oatmeal all over myself, the stove, the counter, and the floor. It turned into paste....). I got to Carol's around noon, just in time for some yummy black bean and squash stew with peanut sauce. Debbie came over with her new baby, Sam, who was born March 13. He's four weeks old and cute as a button, but tiny. Jesse was born 7 weeks earlier, so of course he is much bigger now--funny how quickly you forget how small they are when they're born!

Carol and I drove around part of the Azalea Trail on our way to Luby's for dinner. We stopped first at one place where the owners invite visitors to tour their magnificent yard. The azaleas are a bit late this year, which means they are in full bloom right now and breathtaking.

We met Dick at Luby's and all had fish for dinner, which was delicious. It's always good to catch up with old friends.

We watched part of the News Hour and chatted. As usual, Carol is working on a puzzle, and we were both doing sudokus. We went to bed early (for me) with plans to go garage saling in the morning.