Thursday, March 28, 2013


This morning we biked around the neighborhood and around Bentsen Grove. We stopped by to see Hardy and Judy and got a bag of grapefruit from them. We also borrowed a shovel and rake. This afternoon I tackled an area alongside the rear part of the Texas room and the shed where the previous owners had placed some sod. Unfortunately the sod created a bumpy, unsafe surface, and the grass mostly died, except for some crabgrass. It's going to be a big job to get all that area leveled and cleared, so I have a project that will take me a few days.

Tonight was the last Thursday evening Darryl dance. Next week the Thursday dance will be in the morning, and it will be at La Hacienda. We never go there without remembering our friends Bob and Doris, who used to live in this neighborhood. We had exactly four squares, so everyone got to spread out and dance. We said goodbye to John and Sandy. They'll be heading north early Sunday morning.

We stopped at HEB on the way home and picked up some groceries, including the ingredients for a green bean casserole to take to Easter dinner at the clubhouse. It may not be very healthy, but it's a popular dish and does include green beans. Besides, it's easy to make.