Saturday, March 2, 2013

Moving Day

When we started out this morning, we figured we were making the shortest move ever. It's only a couple of miles to Greengate Grove. We didn't realize it would also be our shortest stay ever or that we'd find ourselves back at Bentsen Palm tonight.

Steve and Bob and John were waiting for us when we pulled up to site #333, ready to help with moving the middle post. We discovered that the awning, far from being 14' as Ray had told us was actually only 12'4". Since our Majestic is 13'5 1/2", we had a problem. We tried hard to get the trailer backed into the site but far enough over to miss the awning. The first thing required was cutting down the water faucets, which stuck up too high for the trailer skirting to pass over. Steve needed some parts from Home Depot, so he made another trip there while we continued to try to jockey the rig into position.

Long story short, it turned out that it just didn't fit. Cutting wide enough to miss the awning also meant ending up in the grass on the far side. The heavy trailer immediately started sinking in the soft soil. We finally decided to go back to Bentsen Palm until modifications could be made to the awning. We called a contractor who agreed to come Monday morning to talk with us.

Fortunately, Jan and Steve had invited us to dinner. We returned the Majestic to site #608 and got it set up. Then we went back over to Greengate and enjoyed some Moscato d'Asti while waiting for the chicken to finish roasting in Jan's new Sharper Image Super Wave oven. The company was great and the food delicious.

This was definitely not how we had envisioned this day going, but it's just a temporary setback. We'll get it worked out (soon, we hope).