Friday, March 29, 2013

More Work

Happy birthday to our friend, Nanci, in Olympia, WA! We hope she's having a great day.

We did some more yardwork today. Ken was putting in tree fertilizer stakes when he hurt his back, so I took over that job. It is a back breaking job, especially when the ground is very hard and dry. Even after running the sprinkler for quite a while, it wasn't easy to get those darn spikes in without crushing them. Besides, I was worried about hitting some of the many utility lines running under the property (power, water, cable, telephone). There's more to do tomorrow, but we did make some progress. We can already see the new fruit setting for next year, so that encourages us.

I spent more time working on raking and chopping the uneven areas and pulling crabgrass and weeds. Then I sprayed the area near the house with weed killer to keep things from growing back--or so I thought. It turns out that the stuff I was using (bought at a yard sale) only kills the plants you spray it on. It doesn't keep weeds from growing back.

After dinner we walked over to the hot tub to ease our aching muscles and Ken's back. He's also using his new little hot pad. He's definitely improving, and we're hoping he'll feel better tomorrow.

Tonight we actually watched Jeopardy for the first time in eons. It's just not the same without Ken Jennings.