Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Almost Rainy Day

This morning the wind was blowing, and the weather app on my phone said it was raining. It did actually rain just enough to put water spots all over the truck, but not enough to help with our Texas drought.

Meanwhile, in Las Vegas, Ken and Jeff went out to lunch with Jeff's friend Veronica.

Then they went to the Bellagio and walked through the casino gardens taking photos.

I danced with Don twice today. This afternoon was the last Wednesday afternoon C-1 dance with Jerry Story. He and Kristy are getting ready to leave the Valley and spend some time with the grandkids for Easter. He spent some more time today on tandem phantom calls, especially tandem phantom ping pong circulate. The difficult part of these calls is that instead of keeping track of single phantom dancers, you have to keep track of where invisible tandem dancers are, and of course you are dancing tandem with real dancers too. If all that sounds confusing, it's because it is.

Terry and Linda came to the dances today--the first time we've seen them in seven weeks. First they were on a cruise, and then Linda's mom died. They had to work to get the house ready to sell, and Linda's mom was a hoarder.

This evening I rode with Hardy and Judy to Joe's dance. As usual Joe called a good dance, and everyone had fun. Afterward we went to the DQ with Sue and Arnie, Terry, Roy and Phyllis, and Kit and Marty. It was a chilly evening, and I really wished they had coffee--brrrr.