Sunday, December 26, 2010

Breakfast wiith friends

We went to Angel's for breakfast as usual, only this time Brad and Jacolyn, our friends from CARE, joined us. They're staying in the Valley, at Circle T, for the month of January. Jacolyn was excited about Ian, the new Dandie Dinmont they're rescuing from California. She's been working nonstop on getting pilots from the group Pilots N Paws to transport Ian to Texas.

Lee, Hardy, Judy, Brad, and Jacolyn at Angel's. What a good looking group!!

We introduced Brad and Jacolyn to Hardy and Judy--they seemed like a good match to us. It was good touching base and hearing all about the doings at CARE. Hardy and Judy had to leave to drive to Gunbarrel City to visit Hardy's folks. They're on a flying trip and will drive up there today, visit, and return Tuesday or Wednesday.

We took Brad and Jacolyn on a tour of our local area, including Americana, Bentsen Palm, and Retama Village. Someone had suggested that since they are big rig drivers, they might like to see Retama, which is HDT central.

We'll plan to meet for breakfast next Sunday--unless they are off somewhere picking up Ian. Some of the rest of the CARE volunteer gang will be joining us soon.

We walked over to the state park this evening. Another couple was returning from the park on their bikes and said that it's now open to the resaca. We didn't go that far.

We got a wonderful Christmas card from Ed and Julie and family, along with a Snapfish book with highlights of 2010, including Jesse's birth and their 10th anniversary. It's quite impressive.

I talked with Aunt Iris this morning. She sounded good, but said they had put off Christmas until Beth gets better. She did open a couple of presents this morning, including some nice trays.

Jan called me back as we were finishing our walk. She is planning a get-together to honor George's memory and has invited about 20 of their closest friends to swap George stories and mark the anniversary of his passing January 3.