Friday, November 28, 2014

Truck Upset

Ken got up early this morning and took the truck in for repairs to be completed. He was given a ride home and told not to expect the truck to be ready until this afternoon. So when we hadn't heard from Spike's by 4:00 p.m., Ken called to check on the status of the truck, only to be told that the tech had determined that another part had to be ordered. Maybe it will come in tomorrow, but maybe not, so we may not have any wheels until Monday.

Meanwhile, I have been miserably sick since last night, so instead of pumpkin pie for breakfast I ate a few pieces of fruit. Later I managed to eat half a can of chicken rice soup for lunch and the other half for dinner. Ken had leftover Thanksgiving dinner.

I'm hoping I'll feel better tomorrow. We did get out and walk a bit, but very slowly. It was a lovely sunny day with a high of 75.