Friday, November 21, 2014

Happy 18th Birthday, Catt!

Ken's granddaughter Cathy turns 18 today. She is passionate, mercurial, funny, a black belt in karate, a person who never lets things get too quiet or boring. Happy birthday, Catt! Hope you had a wonderful day.

We went back to Darryl's C-2 dance today, the one that we had so much trouble at last week. Fortunately, we did better today. Darryl says you have to walk across hot coals to toughen your feet. Guess we'll have some calluses from all our efforts.

It wasn't sure if it wanted to rain or not today. We were lucky enough to have mostly dry weather for both our walks. We are headed to Mexico tomorrow to celebrate Pat's birthday and hoping the weather will be good then too.

Aunt Iris called this evening. She is having acupuncture and motion therapy, which seem to be helping. At least she says she has quit falling. Of course part of the reason for that is she's being more careful after a couple of painful falls. She says all is well in the extended family.