Sunday, November 30, 2014

Happy Birthday, Julie!

Today is Julie's birthday. She celebrated by having a LuLaRoe"Pop-up Boutique" in her living room. She is just starting out as a LuLaRoe consultant.

We've had another quiet day around here. I'm feeling much better tonight, but I didn't have too much energy today. Ken was feeling a bit under the weather too, but seems better tonight. Julie reported some similar symptoms, so we've decided that something is going around--something we don't want to see any more of.

We just got our first Verizon bill with our new plan on it. It was a lot of sticker shock, but then we realized that much of it was "catch-up" charges for November. You pay for phone service in advance, evidently, so next month's bill will be much more in line with what we were expecting..