Sunday, November 9, 2014

Fun at the Zoo

Our walk this morning took us over to the Glendale Cemetery. We didn't have much time to explore it, so we'll go back the next time we're in Lufkin. After our walk we went over to the house where Ed was cooking a delicious big brunch for us. We took the laundry along and got a load started before the meal.

Glendale Cemetery

We had the grandkids for the day while Ed and Julie had some time together. They went to Nacogdoches and walked along the Lanana Creek Trail. Later they went to a movie.

We took the kids to the Ellen Trout Zoo. I had been there before, but it was many years ago. The kids had been to the zoo before, when they were at "Nana Camp." We all enjoyed getting to see lots of animals actually awake and active, including the African Lion and the Jaguar.

Majestic male African Lion

Kids on a lion!

Daring kids put their heads in another lion's mouth!

One of the most entertaining exhibits today was the hippopotamus underwater viewing. I had no idea that hippos actually play with each other. These two were opening their mouths wide and putting them together playfully. One was swimming around the pool quite a bit, and the other was on the bottom directly in front of the glass. The swimmer came back around several times to interact with the other one. It was only inches from Sam, who stood fascinated.

We walked around the exhibits. Most of them have informational signs, which Cate read aloud. Several species are part of an SSP, or species survival plan, set up by a network of zoos to breed the endangered animals in captivity. They move animals around to provide genetic diversity.



Chinese Alligator!

Kids on an alligator!


After seeing all the animals, we took a ride on the Z&OO Railroad. We expected it to go around the zoo and across the lake, but it made two circuits of the zoo and never went across the lake. The kids still enjoyed it. Then we walked over to one of the playgrounds, where the kids had a great time and ran off lots of energy. Sam especially zipped around and showed no sign of slowing down, but we had to go home after a while for dinner.

Z&OO Railroad

The lake had signs all around warning "Alligators inhabit this lake." Fortunately we saw no alligators outside the zoo, but Ken did spot several water birds.

Elegant heron--at its feet are a turtle and some plastic water bottles....

Back at the house, we ate dinner and took a walk around the neighborhood. Sam and Jesse and I played a Memory game. Of course Sam won. He matched 18 pairs, I matched 14, and Jesse matched four. Cate helped Jesse a bit.

This evening Jesse announced that when he grows up, he wants to live in an RV so he can take his house wherever he goes! Great idea, Jesse. We agree.

We've had a great visit, but tomorrow we'll move on south. We'll be hoping to flee the advancing polar vortex which will bring very cold weather by Thursday.