Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Back at Green Gate Grove

We drove the last few miles of our 2014 travels today, for a grand total of 6,282 miles towing.  It's been an exciting summer, and we really enjoyed all our adventures and spending time with friends and family, but it's good to be at our home base for a few months.

This evening we picked up Steve and Jan and went to Joe Saltel's C-1 dance. We had looked over the C-1 call list and felt some confidence that this would be less taxing than C-2, but Joe had some surprises in store for us. Our C-1 dancing skills are a bit rusty too, but we laughed a lot and had a great time with a wonderful group of square dance friends.

Hardy, our computer guru friend, told us that he had caught a hacker today. We were all ears. He had gotten some warnings from his service provider than an unauthorized user was trying to get into his Google account. Through careful online detective work he narrowed down the possibilities, until finally his results showed that the hacker was actually "in the house!" Turned out to be an older unactivated phone he was using as an alarm clock. It kept trying to sync with his Google account.