Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Back at Lake Corpus Christi State Park

This morning we enjoyed the 70° weather for our walk around the park. Then we headed south to Lake Corpus Christi State Park. We were here, in the same site, #41, in November 2012. Today we were looking forward to enjoying some sunshine and blue skies hiking in the park, but the actual weather is not so inviting. We aren't complaining, mind you, because we realize that we could be somewhere with snow and wind chills of -20°.

We bundled up for our walk, but not enough. Next time I'm wearing my gloves!

Tonight we watched an episode of How We Got to Now: Cold. It was fascinating and entertaining. One idea was especially salient, the notion that ideas aren't independent entities but instead spring from a network of other ideas that all come together at some point to make a new invention possible, if not actually inevitable. Also, people who have new ideas generally have what Steven Johnson calls "slow hunches," ideas that develop over time.