Friday, November 7, 2014

Sunny Day

Today was a beautiful sunny day, though still cool. We watched as a portable stage was set up in the parking lot of the VFW where we are staying. It took us a bit to figure out that it must be connected to some Veteran's Day celebration. Ed will be driving a dealership car in the Veteran's Day parade in downtown Lufkin tomorrow morning. Cate plans to ride with him.

Portable stage towed in by a semi and one side dropped

We stopped at HEB again on our way over to the house to fix dinner and visit. This time we made some Tex Mex enchiladas and tacos. Sam at first declared that he didn't like Mexican food, but after he tried the enchiladas, he decided that they were really tasty.

There is no television in the Shaffer household, but that doesn't mean the kids are deprived of screen time.

After dinner I tagged along with Ed and Cate on a trip to Walgreen's and CVS Pharmacy. Cate bundled up against the cool night air in her "Little Brown Riding Hood" outfit.