Thursday, May 31, 2012

Y-M-C-A (Whittier, That Is....)

As we set off on our walk this morning, Diane suggested that we might enjoy her usual daily route. It's about two miles: east on Trask, north on Harbor, west on Garden Grove, and then south on Newhope back to the lodge (at the intersection of Trask and Newhope). We appreciated seeing all the flowers in bloom, including lots of agapanthus (Lilies of the Nile) in both white and blue. Lots of gardeners cultivate roses in Southern California, and many are now in full bloom.

This evening we went to the Whittier YMCA to Romney's A-2 DBD workshop. On the way we made a quick stop at the nearby Trader Joe's, with the emphasis on quick. Traffic congestion made the trip over longer than we thought.

We had fourteen couples at the Y. We saw old friends, including David Moorhouse and Barbara Lane. David cued the rounds between tips. They will attend AACE in Indianapolis and asked if we would be there.

Bud and Sharon were there. Sharon just came back from Morocco, and she was wearing something from the area, as she usually does.  Joy and Lewis were there. Joy is happily retired. Don and Leslie did all of the round dances. Dale and Norma were there too.

All the tips were on computer except the last no-holds-barred tip. We were lucky to be in it (taking the place of Rick and Bev, who were home sick). Romney called some interesting high level stuff, and most of the dancers were doing quite well. As usual, he named names if anyone turned the wrong way (including yours truly)--all in fun. He has started making a kissing sound when he wants to tease a square that has gone astray, as in "kiss your square goodbye."

We expect to see many of these dancers at Romney's Friday night C-1 dance.

We spent some more time today working on our list of appliances and equipment and registering for warranties, but there's still more to be done.