Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Back to Garden Grove--2009 Redux

This morning we pulled up stakes again, said goodbye to Golden Village Palms, and headed toward Garden Grove Elks Lodge. We've stayed at this lodge before, but the last time was three years ago, in March 2009. The RV host couple are Diane and Steve. We're set up in site #6. It's a back in with 30 amp electricity and water. Diane showed us how we could use hoses to reach the dump station to drain our gray water (the dump station is nearby, in the middle of the parking lot).

The first thing we did was overload the 30 amp circuit running our main a/c. The electrical management system shut the 110 down. Something confused the thermostat controls. They wouldn't respond. We ended up having to take out the fuse and leave it out for 20 minutes. We realized that the electric water heater was turned on and switched it to LP.  After that we ran the a/c on low and did fine until I made the mistake of putting something  in the microwave. The 110 shut down again, but this time I turned off the a/c quickly and didn't fry the circuit board.

We decided to take Westminster Ave. to Mel's Place for the C-1 workshop tonight. Bad idea. There are lights at nearly every intersection, and we were stopped by most.The traffic was heavy, and we got to the dance hall just after 7:30, so we ended up sitting out the first tip. We made the ninth couple, so two squares were dancing. All the tips were on computer, so everyone got to take a turn sitting out.

Mel's Place has definitely been spiffed up. The walls are painted nicely, and more of the floor is open for dancing. The caller stage is in the back of the hall. Ron and Margie were there and Jim and Pat. We recognized some dancers from our old Monday night crowd, including Fred and Joyce. It was fun dancing to Romney again, but we did have a bit of sticker shock--it's $10 per person at the door now. We're used to paying less than half that in the Valley, but this is Southern California, where it now costs adults $13.50 to see a movie on the weekend.

On the way home, we stopped at Albertson's to pick up some soy milk and veggies. We're used to hearing Spanish in the store, but in Garden Grove you're more likely to hear Vietnamese.

This morning on our walk we took the torn wall decal back to Target. When we bought it, there was another copy available, but it had been sold. So now we're back on the hunt. Judy suggested that we might be able to use only part of the squares, since we don't have a space large enough for the whole thing. We'll see.