Thursday, May 17, 2012

Repairs Completed

We took our home over to Johnnie Walker’s again this morning, giving us plenty of opportunity to hang out in their customer lounge. The new sensors arrived via UPS around 10:00 a.m. At that point we decided to go for our morning walk. We were just about to go into Sam’s Town RV Park when Ken got a call from Jeremy. They needed a compartment key to get to the Bigfoot controls, so we hightailed it back to the shop and decided that 30 minutes was enough exercise in that heat.

The service staff were all really nice. They installed the front license plate on the truck and added a bolt to the rear license plate on the coach, so now we are securely legal.

At lunch time, they pulled the coach out of the service bay, so we were able to eat lunch, although it was hot enough outside that we didn’t want to linger with no air conditioning.

We went out after lunch to stop at Albertson’s and to get fuel. On the way south on Boulder Highway, as we passed Sam’s Town, we saw the scene of a fatal motorcycle accident. The victim’s body was covered by a blanket, and the police had the northbound side of the highway blocked off. It gives me a sinking feeling to realize that someone’s life has been cut short in an instant. Ken was relieved to think that Jeff was still at work.

Jeff called and said that he and Tiff had decided they'd rather play cards than go play pool. That was fine with us (I'd actually been a bit apprehensive about showing off my lack of skill/practice). It turned out that Tiff had suggested a new strategy for winning at Play Nine! and they wanted to try it out on us.

She and Jeff actually did improve their games a lot, and Ken did too, but I managed to get through all nine holes with a score of under ten.

Rebecca called, and we made plans to meet her and Cathy at the Red Dragon dojo for Cathy's karate lesson at 5:30 p.m.