Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Karate Kid

Cathy had a karate photo session at the Red Dragon Dojo this evening. She's a black belt and helps with some of the classes for younger students. Sensei Cathy is very popular with her young charges.

The outfit she's wearing in this photo is called a karate "gi." She has several in different colors and types.

After the photo session, we all went to the Pizza Factory for supper. Cathy told us proudly that she had passed her DMV test easily.  She still has to wait to begin driving.  Her learner's permit won't be validated until she has had her first Behind-the-Wheel training class. Rebecca figures that altogether it will cost around $400 for fees and classes for Cathy to get her license. She says that some people wait until they are 18 to get a license because then the classes are not required.

Cathy told us about her boyfriend. She's had several, starting with one in preschool. Most of these relationships are pretty short lived. Rebecca says that Cathy is learning a lot about what she likes and doesn't like. She doesn't like mama's boys but does like daddy's boys.

We've seen lots of birds out on our walks. Today we watched two red-tailed hawks wheeling around the air. We've also seen great blue herons flying and killdeer among the rocks. We don't have any photos and nothing to report as colorful as the Painted Buntings that Steve and Jan posted on FB.

We did some more shopping today. We went to Hobby Lobby, where I found a really nice oversized storage box with a hinged lid, made to look like a vintage book.

The Pizza Factory in Apple Valley is so different from the one in St. George that we weren't connecting the two until we saw the slogan on our drink cups: "We toss 'em, they're awesome."