Sunday, November 13, 2011

S'mores at Last!

Instead of a walk, we went for a bike ride this morning. It was a bit windy, but warm. We rode mainly in the neighborhoods west of Mill St. Here's an interesting yard we passed, with a mini-golf course in the front yard advertising synthetic grass.

Later we went over to Ed and Julie's for a final visit. When we got there, Cate was scoring the Farkel game to practice her math. She won, by the way. Ed and Cate and Sam and I played Tiger Woods Wii golf. Fortunately, Cate and Sam and I were in "all play" mode, which makes the game much easier, but by no means foolproof, which I proceeded to demonstrate. After a while, Ed was complaining that his wrist hurt, and I was noticing that my wrist and my shoulder felt quite stressed. Even though it's not a real golf game, slinging the Wii remote around takes a toll on the joints!

Ken and Ed and Cate and I played Ingenious! next. Ken won, with Cate a close second.

We decided it was time to move on to supper and a campfire at the campground. We had planned this outing last weekend, but the weather hadn't cooperated.

We stopped at Sprouts and picked up some hot dogs and buns. Everything came together well. Ken and Ed got the fire going. It was getting dark by the time we roasted the hot dogs, but they tasted fine in the dark! Ken and I had Applewood uncured chicken wieners, and they were quite good. The highlight of the evening was the s'mores. Nothing like roasted marshmallows and gooey melting chocolate in graham crackers. Yum!

Somehow in the midst of all the fun, we forgot to take pictures, darn it!

After we cleaned up and put the fire out, we adjourned to our trailer. We wanted to show Ed and Julie our new Stressless chairs. Ed stretched out comfortably.

Cate was expectantly waiting for some spooky campfire stories, so of course we had to turn out the lights and tell the story of the man with the golden arm--but without scaring the kids so much they'd have nightmares, of course. Then Cate took a turn to tell a scary story about a mean witch, and Sam told one about Rackel with the red hands.

Jesse wandered around exploring everything. He even had to have the bathroom door opened so he could see what was inside.

At last it was time for the Shaffers to head home and get ready for bed and school tomorrow. We won't see them again, so we all hugged and kissed goodbye. I'll be back in a few weeks for Kelley's graduation, and we'll be back again in the spring in time for Cate's birthday.

Sam picked up a splinter from one of the benches. When we came inside, Julie asked for a pair of tweezers, at which point Sam started screaming bloody murder and struggling with all his might to get away. Finally Ed and Julie held him down while I plucked out the offending splinter and bandaged the wound. When that was done, Sam was miraculously quiet and happy again, just as if the wild storm of the previous minutes hadn't occurred.