Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Lewisville to Berry Springs

After a great two weeks visiting Ed and Julie and Cate and Sam and Jesse, we packed up this morning to head south for the winter.  We stopped at a Texas Safety Rest Area just south of Waxahachie for lunch.

Our destination for tonight was a familiar one: Berry Springs RV Park, just off I-35 in Georgetown. One of the reasons we like this park is that it offers an Escapees discount. Another is its convenient location. But the most important is that Berry Springs Park and Preserve is just across the street.

We enjoy walking the trails in the park, including the wide concrete trail with its many animal prints. Some of them seem pretty fanciful. Surely there aren't any birds this large in the area!

We wouldn't like to have a run in with whatever made these prints!

We haven't been able to find any information on the prints online, and there are no signs in the park identifying them.

The last time we were here, this little fishing lake was full of water. Now it's nearly dry, probably another victim of the long Texas drought. It's hard to believe that a historic grist mill once occupied this site, powered by a spring that produced millions of gallons of water a day.

The park has a campground, but it's for tents only, so we'll be staying at the commercial park when we come through here next.

When we arrived at Berry Springs and opened the door to our home, we found dishes strewn about. Good thing that Corelle is break resistant! Some lunch plates were under the table even. This is the second time recently that dishes have fallen out of the cupboard over the sink. I was looking at the catches that are supposed to hold the doors shut when I noticed that both of the roller parts were broken. One roller on each was missing--the rivets had broken. We've replaced the other parts--the C-clamps--once or twice, but never replaced the roller sides. We'll be heading out tomorrow with a rubber band holding the doors shut!

I called Julie to see how Sam was doing. She says that  he started taking the antibiotics yesterday, and this morning  he was already feeling better. Yesterday morning when he woke up, he reported that his ear felt "fuzzy," which made sense to Julie. She felt the same way when she had an ear infection last year.

Ken didn't put the Qube out tonight. Instead we raised the antenna and watched the PBS Newshour on channel 18.1.

Looking online for info about the park, we found a map, much like many other facility maps we've seen. Only this one has an extensive legal disclaimer:
This map is for general planning purposes only. The basemap conforms to National Map
Accuracy Standards in unobstructed areas. Williamson County makes no warranty,
representation or guarantee as to the content, sequence, accuracy, timeliness or
completeness of any of the database information or spatial locations depicted.
Furthermore, all warranties on merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are
hereby disclaimed. In no event shall Williamson County be liable to the recipient or any
other party for damages of any type, including but not limited to incidental, consequential
or exemplary damages arising out of the use or inability to use these materials.
Wonder how many lawyers it took to write that!

We had an empty propane tank. Luckily we found an easily accessible propane business, Star Tex Propane,  on the southern side of Waco. They were reasonably priced and friendly.