Sunday, November 6, 2011


Today we had planned a picnic, but the weather forecast this morning called for a 40% chance of rain and thundershowers. The wind was blowing, and it was overcast and gray--just not inviting picnic weather. So we decided to have our "picnic" at Ed and Julie's house instead of at the park.

We stopped at Kroger's on the way over to pick up some chicken (rotisserie, baked, and fried) and some green salad and fruit salad ingredients. Julie had made an interesting chickpea salad, and Kelley brought an apple pie. When we arrived at the house, we were surprised and happy to see that Kelley had brought Mason along with her, so we had a chance to meet him.

He was very friendly and outgoing, and he offered to help when Kelley was working on the salad (now there's a good man!). We enjoyed the picnic and the chance to get to know Mason a bit.

Farkel game after lunch gets Kelley, Mason, Ed and Cate excited.
Cate certainly enjoys playing games!

Sam got a chance to show off his new desk. Julie got some ideas for this project from Pinterest, but it took lots of hard work from Ed and her to pull it together.

After Kelley and Mason said goodbye, we all went for a walk. Cate rode her bike, and Sam and Jesse rode in the stroller.  We walked almost two miles, which was a little much for Cate. Sam finished riding the bike home, and Cate rode in the stroller. Her mom said, "You know you're too big for a stroller when your feet hit the ground!"

Here's Jesse after his bath, mugging for the camera again 8-)

The clocks "fell back" this morning, ending daylight saving time. By bedtime, I was really tired. It always takes me a couple of days to adjust to the time change.