Monday, November 21, 2011

Happy Birthday, Cathlene!

Today is Cathy's fifteenth birthday. Wow! and that means that Ken and I are about to celebrate our fifteenth wedding anniversary. That doesn't sound like much compared to 46 years, but to us, it will definitely seem like a cause for celebration.

This afternoon we danced at TVA--Tropical Valley Acres to Darryl Lipscomb and saw some of our Valley friends we haven't seen since last spring. It was nice to see familiar faces. Today was Pat Boyink's 70th birthday. She is looking good (has her hair back, yay!) and doing well since her treatments ended. We were happy to dance with her and Bob.

Another hot day, but lots of wind again. We did most of our walking this evening after dark, when the temp had cooled down into the 70s.

We watched a TIVO recording of a Nature episode titled "My Life as a Turkey." The title made us curious, but we were really touched by the program and by Joe Hutto, the naturalist and photographer who is the protagonist of the story (though it turns out that he is portrayed by an actor, and the footage is a "re-creation." Some of his observations were quite thought provoking. He is evidently a person with a passion for animals and a profound respect for the natural world.

On the way home from the dance, we were driving to the big HEB that has a good selection of organic food when we passed a Sprouts where the old Sun Harvest used to be on 10th Street. Of course we had to stop and check it out. It's much smaller than the Sprouts in Flower Mound, but still good to know it's there.

It was difficult to find a parking space at the HEB. We were there during the after work rush, and it's Thanksgiving week. All in all it was rather hectic, and we decided to call it a day when we were only half way through the store. It was after 6 p.m. wken we got home.

Tonight Ken whupped me at Ingenious. The smaller board used for two players closes in quickly, compared to the four-player version we were playing with Ed and Cate.