Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Today is the 48th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. In 1963, we were 18. For me, JFK represented hope and possibility, and his death, followed by the assassinations of Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr., signaled the loss of innocence and optimism. The world was a much darker and more frightening place than I had recognized. Kennedy may not have been perfect, but he was a statesman and leader who could challenge Americans to be their better selves.

Today has been another hot day, so we are doing most of our walking in the evening.

Ken got the 16 GB micro SD card he had ordered from Amazon today It's lots of extra storage for his tablet computer--another new toy.

I fixed one of our favorite recipes tonight, toasted chicken sandwiches with caramelized onions and apples. The new element in the meal was the Imagine brand sweet potato soup. It was not our favorite soup.

I had an appointment with Dr. George this morning. He looked at the remnants of my tick bite (from June), put a band aid on it, and suggested Benadryl and avoiding scratching. At least I'm reassured that there's nothing seriously wrong.