Saturday, November 5, 2011

Ikea and Ice Cream

On our walk this morning, we ventured into the neighborhood west of Mill St. Here's a cute mailbox we spotted:

Definitely a creative mailbox flag!

Later Julie picked us up for a trip to Ikea. Ed met us at the store. Cate and Sam decided to play at the Smaland play center while the rest of us shopped. Ed and Julie were looking for a desk for Sam's room. I had a couple of small things I was looking for too. It's always fun to check out the showroom furnished rooms and even small apartments. Some of them are as small as our rig. We all found things to buy.

Here's a common sight at the Shaffer house:

Cate and Sam playing games at the computer.

Later I made some chicken broccoli rice casserole. Ed made luscious banana splits for everyone.