Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Taking Stock

We spent some time today reflecting on our experience of driving to Bandera yesterday to see a used New Horizons--and what we learned. We're becoming more aware of what we want in a fifth wheel and what to consider when we're looking for our next home. We are not in a big hurry to make any changes right now. Among other things, we thought a lot about all the things we'd have to arrange and make happen, like buying a new truck and fitting it out for towing and finding a way to sell our old unit--all of which sounds like work! Besides, we have a new appreciation for some of the features of Venture that we enjoy.

Kelley was doing her middle school observation nearby today, so she and I arranged to meet up at Ed and Julie's for lunch. It turned out that Julie was at Sam's school for a picnic lunch and program, so most of the time it was just Kelley and me. We had a good visit, talking about her plans to move this summer and her trip to Bethesda to visit her family. It was nice to have some quality time with her.

I also got a load of clothes washed and dried so that Ken would have everything he might want to pack for his trip, which is coming up tomorrow.

This evening we went over to Ed and Julie's and fixed Betty McDonald casserole for supper. Cate liked it and even ate some refried beans. Sam enjoyed the "green stuff" (lettuce) and tomatoes.

Ken is pretty much all packed up and prepared for his trip tomorrow. He spent some time looking for specs on the 2011 Silverado, to see what kind of towing capacity and GCWR it has. It's frustrating trying to track down all the relevant data. Chevy seems to make it hard to find.