Saturday, April 9, 2011

Jim Hogg Campground

We moved to our new home for the week, Jim Hogg Campground on Lake Georgetown. It's a Corps of Engineers park, so we had just about given up hope of being able to stay here. If the government had shut down, so would all the parks and campgrounds and historic sites .... including this one. We're glad it didn't happen. This is a first come, first served park, so we were very glad to find a nice spot that would hold us. We actually have a bit of a water view out the back, though only of a narrow finger of the lake.

We're really enjoying our shelter. It was as hot as forecast today, over 90 degrees, but still pleasant in the breeze in the shade. I even managed to nod off for a few.

I picked up a cookbook of Weight Watchers Mexican recipes at a park sale a while back. Tonight I made one of the dishes, a tamale casserole that we both enjoyed, so it's a keeper.