Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

It was a lovely warm sunny day, just right for Valentine's Day. This morning while we were out for our walk, Hardy and Judy showed up with two large bags of grapefruit from their tree--thanks, friends!

We went to Joe Saltel's C-1 class from 1-3. I still wasn't feeling too well, so we just stopped by Gary and Mary Ann's for a quick goodbye--didn't want to share any bugs with our friends. They are moving on to Corpus Christi and then Fredericksburg. They are hoping that Gary will be able to get in to see a specialist about his back on their way home.

Tonight we watched the Star Trek movie--just about all I felt up to after fixing leftovers for dinner. The movie is a prequel of sorts for the original Star Trek series, showing the boyhood and first meeting of the various characters, with lots of special effects and Trekkie insider stuff. We were both glad we had seen it, but wouldn't need to see it again. It was a bit over the top.