Monday, February 15, 2010

Escape Day!

Today is the second anniversary of our setting out for the adventure of a lifetime, leaving behind the world of work and "sticks and bricks" houses and becoming vagabonds. Every once in a while we pinch ourselves and ask if it's really true that we're being paid for not working.

This afternoon we went to Randy's C-1 class, where we learned to Percolate, Cross By, Shakedown, and Square the Bases, as well as reviewing several recent calls. As usual, it was more like we were "exposed to" the calls. It will take quite a while before any of them become really fluent.

We were planning to take my bike in for repairs, but when I tried to open the truck box to get a tarp out, it refused to open. We got the names of a couple of local Delta Pro dealers, but we weren't able to get through to either one, so we'll try again tomorrow. On the brighter side, it rained a bit last night and the carpet in the bedroom slide remained dry. We won't be resting easy until we have a hard rain and still have dry carpet.

Tonight we attended a talk at the clubhouse on RVing in Yellowstone. It was an excellent presentation by a solo fulltime RVer named Robin who has worked in Yellowstone and visited many times. She had good slides and great tips and advice, and a lot of enthusiasm for the park. We're really looking forward to our visit.