Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mardi Gras

I danced with Jean this morning to Joe Saltel, and as usual had a great time. Joe had asked everyone to wear purple, green, or gold for Mardi Gras, and Jim and Jane Booth stood at the door putting Mardi Gras beads around everyone's neck. It made the dance seem festive. Jim and Jane were dressed to the nines for the occasion, including a purple feather boa around Jane's neck, stripes painted on her pantyhose, and Jim's brightly colored purple, green and gold striped shirt. They made quite a couple.

Hardy and Judy always eat lunch at the next door Mexican restaurant, since they dance in the afternoon at Pharr South, across the street from Joe's dance at Tropic Star. Today they invited us to join them, and a good time was had by all, as usual. We finished just in time for them to dash over to the next dance.

We headed to Madden's Pick-Up Covers, a dealer for Delta Pro truck boxes.  The owner came out to help us. He ended up drilling out the rivets on one of the latches. That loosened things up enough that the cover came up finally. Nothing was jamming the mechanism, so he ended up saying maybe it had just closed wrong for some reason.... Life's little mysteries. Anyhow he put in new rivets and we're back in business. At no charge--thanks, Art!