Friday, February 12, 2010

RedHead Express

This morning we went to Darryl's dance, where I danced with Jean again. Afterwards some of our friends went to Mexico, but we decided it would be too much for one day, since we had tickets for the show tonight.

We joined Gary and Mary Ann and went over to the 7:00 p.m. show at 6:30, to be sure of getting good seats. Many others had the same idea, since the hall was already half full. The entertainers were setting up and testing the sound system. The RedHed Express is a family act, and what a family. Mom and Dad are joined by daughters 20, 18, 16, and 14 and sons 11, 9, and 7. The father quipped, "All your contributions tonight will go to feed hungry children."

The fourth sister is behind the leftmost girl. The woman on the right is the mom, and the dad is standing off to the right. The three little boys were in the back of the hall playing with their trucks.

They put on a high energy show demonstrating their talents as musicians, singers, and song writers. The stars of the show are the four girls, red headed and full of Irish vivacity. They played fiddle, banjo, bass, mandolin, and guitar. Alisa's fiddle playing and Kendra's singing were highlights, but the whole family is multitalented. Ken bought a CD so we can continue to enjoy their music.

Afterward we went back to Gary and Mary Ann's place for wine, cheese and crackers, and good company. Gary turned on the TV so we could catch some of the opening ceremonies for the Vancouver Winter Olympics. They were quite an impressive artistic and technical feat.