Monday, December 16, 2013

Walking in the Park, Dancing, and Hidalgo Lights

After breakfast, we started the morning with a trip to Bentsen Palm Village for a drive through, to show Terri and Molly the park we used to winter at. Then we went on to the State Park and walked the loop to the hawk tower and back out.

Along the way, we spotted some birds, mainly at the Green Jay blind. Green jays and red-winged blackbirds were scuffling over the feeder platform. A cardinal visited, and some doves completed the picture.

Afterward we went home for a quick lunch before going to Darryl's C-1 workshop. We introduced Terri and Molly to our dancing friends. About midway in the session, Darryl called them forward and got a square up to dance with them. Terri danced with Chuck, and Molly danced with Dick. David and Jean and Hugh and Terry completed the square. Darryl called a simple patter tip.  Everyone commented on how well the girls danced. Darryl came over later to talk with them, and he pointed out that "Square dancing is not a spectator sport!"

We mentioned our plans to go to South Padre tomorrow, and Jean said she was also planning to go to the island. Steve and Jan might join her, depending on how Steve feels after his cataract surgery this morning. We agreed to try to meet for lunch.

Then it was home to fix supper and eat before leaving for the Festival of Lights in Hidalgo.

We parked and walked to the Town Hall square just in time to enjoy some of the entertainment. The La Feria band played some Christmas arrangements, including "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer (the band director reassured the audience that he hoped this wouldn't happen to anyone--it was just a song!).

We spotted this Angry Birds display and took a picture for Ed and family.

Then we took the trolley tour. It was nice, but we decided that next time we'd prefer to drive around to look at the lights by ourselves. The tour wasn't very informative, and in your own vehicle you can stop where you want to take photos.

Back at the square, we got hot chocolate and then walked across the street to look at a massively decorated house. Ken remembered that it belonged to a famous Latin entertainer. We saw that Santa and Mrs. Claus were graciously offering to pose for photos in front of their home with Festival visitors, so Terri, Molly, and I posed with them and their elves. Ken took the photo. Now Terri and Molly can say they've met Ramon Ayala, Latin Grammy award winning accordianist and singer. (At least we think it was the star in the Santa suit!)

We walked back to the truck and drove part of the festival route so that Ken could take a picture of the space shuttle in lights.

He also got a shot of Santa surfing a wave in the "Tropical Christmas" display.

In the interest of truth, Terri wants everyone to know that she actually did buy something at Don Wes--a glass cutting diamond drill bit. She wants to use it to make a lamp from a bottle.