Sunday, November 17, 2013


Today started out warm and then got really hot. The high was over 90 degrees. Just the right kind of day to work on our tank sensors, which have not been working for months. We got some expensive sensor cleaner some time ago, but just didn’t find the right opportunity to use it.

The recommended method is to fill the tank and put in the stuff and then drive around a bit to mix things up. Afterward you let it sit for 24 hours before driving around again to loosen any crud adhering to the inside of the tank. Then you dump the tank and rinse it. The best time to do this is when it will be very warm. In fact, it shouldn’t be done if the temperature is below 75 degrees.

Since we live in our Majestic full time, this procedure just hasn’t been practical. The other approach is to fill the tank ¾ and put in the stuff. Then you use the tank as normal before dumping (again, the warmer the weather, the better this works). There’s one catch: since our sensors don’t work, we can’t tell when the tank is ¾ full. We ended up filling it completely. Oops. Now we have to run over to the Texas room to use the bathroom. We’re sure hoping this works!

We had breakfast at Mi Challitas with our friends, as usual. There were six of us, but next week we'll have more of the gang. Jean is coming in today, and Jan and Steve will arrive tomorrow.

Tonight we went to the first Community Concert of the season. The show was high energy and very entertaining. We weren't sure what to expect when we saw that the featured artist was described as a "guitar master." Pavlo is the lead performer of a group of four musicians born in Toronto but with a variety of roots from Greece to Italy to Portugal. Their unique style is described as Mediterranean. Instruments include the Greek bouzouki, bass guitar, and percussion in addition to Pavlo's hot 6-string guitar.

Our seats turned out to be next to Bill and Bev Kramer. We saw Jean, who has moved seats again and is now way down front in row H (we're in Q and have aisle seats--very nice). We talked to some other folks too, including Hardy and Judy of course. Judy is organizing dinner tomorrow night in honor of Jan and Steve's arrival.

When we got home, we watched a BBC movie being shown on both the Science Channel and the Discovery Channel, The Challenger Disaster. It was riveting. William Hurt plays Richard Feynman. His bottom line: nature cannot be fooled. Thanks, Hardy, for recommending this one to us.