Tuesday, November 26, 2013


We actually woke up to blue skies and sunshine today, although the wind was brisk and the temperatures still lower than we like. We walked around Green Gate Grove bundled up, but enjoying the outdoors and the sunshine.

This afternoon we went to Randy's C-1 workshop and dance. As usual, he worked on some interesting things, mainly with rotates and concentric calls. It was enough to keep all the dancers on their toes. He also called an as couples vertical half tag from lines facing in. That requires the right hand couple to pass right shoulders with the opposite right hand couple, an awkward traffic pattern for sure. We had three squares exactly, but only because Randy called Jean and Dennis to join us.

Tonight we finished watching the latest Bill Cosby special, but we didn't delete it from the DVR. Some of our friends would like to see it, and I'm sure we'll enjoy watching it again. He manages great physical comedy while staying seated, relying heavily on his extremely expressive face. We laughed out loud.

We also watched a NOVA program titled Cold Case JFK. It was fascinating to watch the forensic investigation taking place so long after the assassination. We learned a lot about the technology of shooting case forensics. The bottom line is that the evidence continues to confirm that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

Today would have been Mom's 87th birthday. It's a day to mourn, but also a day to recall many happy memories. I miss my mom now, six and a half years after her death, and I expect that I will always miss her. I think often of calling her to ask a question about some event or person from our shared past or to share something with her from my daily life.