Saturday, November 30, 2013

Happy Birthday, Julie!

 Today is Julie's birthday. She worked this morning but was looking forward to celebrating with the family when I talked with her. She said she got lots of hugs from the kids.

Michigan played Ohio State today. It was an exciting game, even though by the time we watched the recording, Ken had seen the final score, so we knew it was a heart breaker.

We biked down to the park this morning, mainly for exercise, but we stopped at the Green Jay Blind. Most of the birds there were indeed green jays, but we also saw an assortment of doves and small brown birds. A flicker flew in and grabbed a bite a couple of times but didn't stay to pose for the camera.

Long billed thrasher

A Group of Green Jays

We saw very few flowers in bloom and almost no butterflies. We're guessing the recent cold nights were hard on them.

After the ride we spent the rest of the day on and off working on prepping the Texas room for painting and trying to figure out how much paint of what sort we will need. There's plenty of advice online, but it seems there's no perfect paint and people disagree about issues like whether primer is necessary and whether and how to tint primer.

We're pulling nails out of the walls and even screws used to hang pictures. Ken managed to remove the power strip that had been glued to the kitchen wall without doing too much damage to the wallboard. We'll definitely be doing lots of patching and sanding.