Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Dancing in the RGV

We dancing this afternoon to Randy Dougherty at Pharr South, our first dance of the RGV season! We had two squares (plus one couple) and lots of fun. Hardy and Judy danced C-2 to Randy this morning and came back for seconds this afternoon. So nice to see friends we haven't seen since last spring when we waved goodbye to the Valley and headed north for our summer travels. Many of the rest of the dancers did the same, but some stay here year round (like Bob and LaDone and Hugh).

After the dance, we went over to Green Gate Grove to clean up a bit before moving in on Thursday. We needed to clean the driveway surface that will be under the Majestic. Hardy loaned us a pressure washer and hose, and we tackled the chore.

We need to find a better solution for improving the looks of the driveway and preventing the black stains (maybe mildew?) and rust stains.