Monday, November 4, 2013

Almost Dance

We set out today to go to our first square dance of the season. We talked with friends and were glad to find out the location had been changed. Unfortunately, we did not also realize the time had been changed. We showed up at 2:00 p.m. at La Hacienda for Darryl's C-1 dance, but we found out the dance had actually happened at 10:00 a.m. Darn! We called Randy to verify that the dance we're planning to attend tomorrow is actually happening at the time and place we expect.

We went over to Green Gate Grove to check on our lot and Texas room before moving there this Thursday. The fruit trees have flourished! We'll be hacking through the jungle practically. The lemons are the size of oranges already. This summer's rains have been good for them. The Texas room and shed survived fine, with little evidence of critters and no mildew, but there's lots to be done to clean them up and decorate before our visitors arrive.

We walked over to say hi to Hardy and Judy. Boy was it great to see our friends. Hardy loaned us a power washer so we can clean the drive before we put the Majestic on it. We'll go over tomorrow after the dance to tackle that job.

Our friends Willis and Rebecca are leaving in the wee hours of the morning to go pick up their brand new 2014 Casita Spirit Deluxe (17’). They are driving to Rice, Texas, to pick it up. They've named it "Mongo."