Saturday, November 2, 2013


We finally faced up to our procrastination. The smashed and dried bugs on the end cap of the Majestic and on the front of the truck were not about to disappear on their own, despite some rain.  These bugs were not the dreaded "Love Bugs," but just ordinary bugs that met their demise on our vehicles. Love bugs mobilized us into immediate action because 1) they were black and ugly and 2) the acid in their bodies destroys paint.

I soon realized the folly of not responding in a more timely fashion to just regular bugs. My efforts to clean the end cap seemed futile. I brushed all over with water, waited a few moments for the bugs to soften, and then brushed some more. No progress. Did it again. And again. Then I got out the ladder and attacked the glue-like residue with my microfiber cloth and Magic Eraser. This is not an easy task, but I did finally get most of the bugs off, as far as I could reach. Tomorrow I'll back the truck up to the front of the rig and set up the ladder in the truck bed.

Meanwhile, Ken apparently had less trouble with the truck. Of course he had the advantage that he didn't have to climb a ladder to work. At one point he was sitting on the ground, hard at work, when a large brown butterfly alighted a few inches away and watched him for a while before fluttering off.

It was cooler today. We noticed on our walks that the wind has shifted and is coming from the north. Fall is in the air. Folks are out trimming bushes and trees and generally cleaning. The rain this summer led to lush overgrowth of everyone's landscaping. More and more people are arriving in the Valley for the winter.