Friday, November 29, 2013


 This morning the sun was shining, and the weather was warmer than it has been for the last week. We decided to go for a bike ride. We biked the road to the east of GGG and back west on Mile 1 South Rd. to Bentsen Palm. Then we made the mistake of biking west on Snowbird Ln., which is a short dead end populated by several loose and apparently vicious dogs. Scary situation, and we won't go back there again. We have been talking about carrying pepper spray, and now I'm even more motivated to find some.

We biked on south to Tanglewood and Retama. We didn't see much construction in either park, but Retama had a new model. It's a very small house or overgrown casita (750 sq. ft.) with an RV hookup and nice patio out back.

We made a little progress on our Texas room project today. We're washing down the ceiling and walls to prep for painting. Ken tackled the job of replacing the toilet innards, but all the fittings are extremely corroded, so it looks like we have a bigger job than we thought.

Meanwhile, we replaced the sediment filter in our whole house water filtration system. It was about time, but we decided to do it today because the water pressure seemed low, which usually means the sediment filter is clogged. Today the reason turned out to be that the park water supply was turned off for over an hour because Agua Sud was working on the pipes.

I boiled the turkey carcass today to make soup. The rig smelled like Thanksgiving all day. Now I just have to get around to making a pumpkin pie.