Monday, November 26, 2012

Missing Mom

Today would have been my mother's 86th birthday. She was 80 when she passed away, and of course I still miss her, especially on her birthday and at the holidays.

We danced this afternoon at Darryl's. We've joined his fan club, because you get a discount on dance admission, so now we have "Darryl's Drifters" tags on our badges. We had five squares dancing.

Today was Cyber Monday. I hadn't actually planned to buy anything, but then Amazon offered thousands of Kindle books at steep discounts, and I did find a few to add to our virtual library. Running through the list of books, I was amazed at the number of "Chicken Soup for the Soul" titles there are! Somebody found a gold mine there.

We went grocery shopping after the dance, filled up with diesel, and returned a couple of things. By the time we got home it was late, so we had a quick dinner of spinach salad and Healthy Choice Sweet and Sour Chicken dinners. They were surprisingly good.

We watched an Independent Lens program called "Between the Folds." It's about origami, but not what you'd expect. The people that the filmmaker features are expanding the definition of that term to encompass fine art and theoretical mathematics. This is the kind of program that just makes us say "Wow!"